The Tools Menu

Tools->Zoom (Z)

Allows you to zoom on a point (left click) or area (click and drag); double-click to reset the zoom level to the initial state.

Tools->Draw Time Line (L)

Allows you to temporarily draw a vertical line where you left click.

Tools->Select Channels (S)

Allows you to select channels in order to act on them (move them to compensate for an offset, change the amplitude...)

Tools->Measure (V)

Allows you to measure the time and the voltage between two points.

Tools->Select Time (T)

Allows you to refine the time frame used to display the data.

Tools->Select Events (E)

Allows you to select one event in order to move it or delete it.

Tools->Add Event (N)

Allows you to add a new event (select the type of event from the submenu).