Variables | |
const QString | NEUROSCOPE = "neuroscope" |
const QString | PARAMETERS = "parameters" |
const QString | CREATOR = "creator" |
const QString | VERSION = "version" |
const QString | ACQUISITION = "acquisitionSystem" |
const QString | FIELD_POTENTIALS = "fieldPotentials" |
const QString | MISCELLANEOUS = "miscellaneous" |
const QString | VIDEO = "video" |
const QString | SAMPLING_RATES = "samplingRates" |
const QString | CHANNELS = "channels" |
const QString | ANATOMY = "anatomicalDescription" |
const QString | SPIKE = "spikeDetection" |
const QString | FILES = "files" |
const QString | DISPLAYS = "displays" |
const QString | BITS = "nBits" |
const QString | NB_CHANNELS = "nChannels" |
const QString | SAMPLING_RATE = "samplingRate" |
const QString | VOLTAGE_RANGE = "voltageRange" |
const QString | AMPLIFICATION = "amplification" |
const QString | OFFSET = "offset" |
const QString | LFP_SAMPLING_RATE = "lfpSamplingRate" |
const QString | SCREENGAIN = "screenGain" |
const QString | TRACE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "traceBackgroundImage" |
const QString | SPIKES = "spikes" |
const QString | WIDTH = "width" |
const QString | HEIGHT = "height" |
const QString | ROTATE = "rotate" |
const QString | FLIP = "flip" |
const QString | VIDEO_IMAGE = "videoImage" |
const QString | POSITIONS_BACKGROUND = "positionsBackground" |
const QString | EXTENSION_SAMPLING_RATE = "extensionSamplingRate" |
const QString | EXTENSION = "extension" |
const QString | CHANNEL_COLORS = "channelColors" |
const QString | CHANNEL = "channel" |
const QString | SKIP = "skip" |
const QString | COLOR = "color" |
const QString | ANATOMY_COLOR = "anatomyColor" |
const QString | SPIKE_COLOR = "spikeColor" |
const QString | CHANNEL_OFFSET = "channelOffset" |
const QString | DEFAULT_OFFSET = "defaultOffset" |
const QString | CHANNEL_GROUPS = "channelGroups" |
const QString | GROUP = "group" |
const QString | NB_SAMPLES = "nSamples" |
const QString | PEAK_SAMPLE_INDEX = "peakSampleIndex" |
const QString | UPSAMPLING_RATE = "upsamplingRate" |
const QString | WAVEFORM_LENGTH = "waveformLength" |
const QString | PEAK_SAMPLE_LENGTH = "peakSampleLength" |
const QString | FILE = "file" |
const QString | TYPE = "type" |
const QString | URL = "url" |
const QString | DATE = "modificationDate" |
const QString | ITEMS = "items" |
const QString | ITEM_DESCRIPTION = "itemDescription" |
const QString | ITEM = "item" |
const QString | DISPLAY = "display" |
const QString | TAB_LABEL = "tabLabel" |
const QString | SHOW_LABELS = "showLabels" |
const QString | MULTIPLE_COLUMNS = "multipleColumns" |
const QString | START_TIME = "startTime" |
const QString | DURATION = "duration" |
const QString | GREYSCALE = "greyScale" |
const QString | POSITIONVIEW = "positionView" |
const QString | SHOWEVENTS = "showEvents" |
const QString | SPIKE_PRESENTATION = "spikePresentation" |
const QString | RASTER_HEIGHT = "rasterHeight" |
const QString | CLUSTERS_SELECTED = "clustersSelected" |
const QString | SPIKES_SELECTED = "spikesSelected" |
const QString | EVENTS_SELECTED = "eventsSelected" |
const QString | CLUSTERS_SKIPPED = "clustersSkipped" |
const QString | EVENTS_SKIPPED = "eventsSkipped" |
const QString | CHANNEL_POSITIONS = "channelPositions" |
const QString | CHANNELS_SELECTED = "channelsSelected" |
const QString | CHANNELS_SHOWN = "channelsShown" |
const QString | FILE_URL = "fileUrl" |
const QString | CLUSTER = "cluster" |
const QString | EVENT = "event" |
const QString | CHANNEL_POSITION = "channelPosition" |
const QString | GAIN = "gain" |
const QString | NEUROSCOPE |
Tag for the neuroscope session file root element. | |
const QString | PARAMETERS |
Tag for the parameter file root element. | |
const QString | CREATOR |
Tag for the creator attribut of the parameter file root element. | |
const QString | VERSION |
Tag for the version attribute of the root element. | |
const QString | ACQUISITION |
Tag for the acquisition element. | |
const QString | FIELD_POTENTIALS |
Tag for the filedPotentials element. | |
const QString | MISCELLANEOUS |
Tag for the miscellaneous element. | |
const QString | VIDEO |
Tag for the video element. | |
const QString | SAMPLING_RATES |
Tag for the samplingRate element. | |
const QString | CHANNELS |
Tag for the channels element. | |
const QString | ANATOMY |
Tag for the anatomy element. | |
const QString | SPIKE |
Tag for the spike element. | |
const QString | FILES |
Tag for the file element. | |
const QString | DISPLAYS |
Tag for the display element. | |
const QString | BITS |
Tag for the bits element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | NB_CHANNELS |
Tag for the nbChannels element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | SAMPLING_RATE |
Tag for the samplingRate element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | VOLTAGE_RANGE |
Tag for the voltageRange element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | AMPLIFICATION |
Tag for the amplification element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | OFFSET |
Tag for the offset element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | LFP_SAMPLING_RATE |
Tag for the lfpSamplingRate element included in the filedPotentials element. | |
const QString | SCREENGAIN |
Tag for the screenGain element included in the miscellaneous element. | |
Tag for the traceBackgroundImage element included in the miscellaneous element. | |
const QString | SPIKES |
Tag for the spikes element. | |
const QString | WIDTH |
Tag for the width element included in the video element. | |
const QString | HEIGHT |
Tag for the height element included in the video element. | |
const QString | ROTATE |
Tag for the rotate element included in the video element. | |
const QString | FLIP |
Tag for the flip element included in the video element. | |
const QString | VIDEO_IMAGE |
Tag for the video image element included in the file element. | |
Tag for the positions backgroung element included in the file element. | |
Tag for the extensionSamplingRate element included in the file element. | |
const QString | EXTENSION |
Tag for the extension element included in the file element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL_COLORS |
Tag for the channelColors element included in the channels element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL |
Tag for the channel element. | |
const QString | SKIP |
Tag for the skip attribute of the channel element. | |
const QString | COLOR |
Tag for the colors element. | |
const QString | ANATOMY_COLOR |
Tag for the anatomyColors element. | |
const QString | SPIKE_COLOR |
Tag for the spikeColors element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL_OFFSET |
Tag for the channelOffset element. | |
const QString | DEFAULT_OFFSET |
Tag for the defaultOffset element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL_GROUPS |
Tag for the channelGroups element. | |
const QString | GROUP |
Tag for the groups element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL |
Tag for the channel element. | |
const QString | NB_SAMPLES |
Tag for the nbSamples element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | PEAK_SAMPLE_INDEX |
Tag for the peakSAmpleIndex element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | UPSAMPLING_RATE |
Tag for the upsamplingRate element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | WAVEFORM_LENGTH |
Tag for the waveformLength element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | PEAK_SAMPLE_LENGTH |
Tag for the peakSampleLength element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | FILE |
Tag for the file element included in the files element. | |
const QString | TYPE |
Tag for the type element included in the file element. | |
const QString | URL |
Tag for the url element included in the file element. | |
const QString | DATE |
Tag for the date element included in the file element. | |
const QString | ITEMS |
Tag for the items element included in the file element. | |
const QString | ITEM_DESCRIPTION |
Tag for the itemDescription element included in the items element. | |
const QString | ITEM |
Tag for the item element included in the itemDescription element. | |
const QString | DISPLAY |
Tag for the display element included in the displays element. | |
const QString | TAB_LABEL |
Tag for the tabLabel element included in the display element. | |
const QString | SHOW_LABELS |
Tag for the showLabels element included in the display element. | |
const QString | START_TIME |
Tag for the startTime element included in the display element. | |
const QString | DURATION |
Tag for the duration element included in the display element. | |
const QString | MULTIPLE_COLUMNS |
Tag for the multipleColumns element included in the display element. | |
const QString | GREYSCALE |
Tag for the greyScale element included in the display element. | |
const QString | POSITIONVIEW |
Tag for the positionView element included in the display element. | |
const QString | SHOWEVENTS |
Tag for the showEvents element included in the display element. | |
Tag for the spikePresentation element included in the display element. | |
const QString | RASTER_HEIGHT |
Tag for the raster height element included in the display element. | |
Tag for the clustersSelected element included in the display element. | |
const QString | SPIKES_SELECTED |
Tag for the spikesSelected element included in the display element. | |
const QString | EVENTS_SELECTED |
Tag for the eventsSelected element included in the display element. | |
const QString | CLUSTERS_SKIPPED |
Tag for the clustersSkipped element included in the display element. | |
const QString | EVENTS_SKIPPED |
Tag for the eventsSkippedelement included in the display element. | |
Tag for the channelPositions element included in the display element. | |
Tag for the channelsSelected element included in the display element. | |
const QString | CHANNELS_SHOWN |
Tag for the channelsShown element included in the display element. | |
const QString | FILE_URL |
Tag for the fileUrl element included in the clustersSelected element. | |
const QString | CLUSTER |
Tag for the cluster element included in the clustersSelected element. | |
const QString | EVENT |
Tag for the event element included in the eventsSelected element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL_POSITION |
Tag for the channelPosition element included in the channelPositions element. | |
const QString | GAIN |
Tag for the gain element included in the channelPosition element. | |
const QString | NEUROSCOPE = "neuroscope" |
const QString | PARAMETERS = "parameters" |
const QString | CREATOR = "creator" |
const QString | VERSION = "version" |
const QString | ACQUISITION = "acquisitionSystem" |
const QString | FIELD_POTENTIALS = "fieldPotentials" |
const QString | MISCELLANEOUS = "miscellaneous" |
const QString | VIDEO = "video" |
const QString | SAMPLING_RATES = "samplingRates" |
const QString | CHANNELS = "channels" |
const QString | ANATOMY = "anatomicalDescription" |
const QString | SPIKE = "spikeDetection" |
const QString | FILES = "files" |
const QString | DISPLAYS = "displays" |
const QString | BITS = "nBits" |
const QString | NB_CHANNELS = "nChannels" |
const QString | SAMPLING_RATE = "samplingRate" |
const QString | VOLTAGE_RANGE = "voltageRange" |
const QString | AMPLIFICATION = "amplification" |
const QString | OFFSET = "offset" |
const QString | LFP_SAMPLING_RATE = "lfpSamplingRate" |
const QString | SCREENGAIN = "screenGain" |
const QString | TRACE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "traceBackgroundImage" |
const QString | SPIKES = "spikes" |
const QString | WIDTH = "width" |
const QString | HEIGHT = "height" |
const QString | ROTATE = "rotate" |
const QString | FLIP = "flip" |
const QString | VIDEO_IMAGE = "videoImage" |
const QString | POSITIONS_BACKGROUND = "positionsBackground" |
const QString | EXTENSION_SAMPLING_RATE = "extensionSamplingRate" |
const QString | EXTENSION = "extension" |
const QString | CHANNEL_COLORS = "channelColors" |
const QString | CHANNEL = "channel" |
const QString | SKIP = "skip" |
const QString | COLOR = "color" |
const QString | ANATOMY_COLOR = "anatomyColor" |
const QString | SPIKE_COLOR = "spikeColor" |
const QString | CHANNEL_OFFSET = "channelOffset" |
const QString | DEFAULT_OFFSET = "defaultOffset" |
const QString | CHANNEL_GROUPS = "channelGroups" |
const QString | GROUP = "group" |
const QString | NB_SAMPLES = "nSamples" |
const QString | PEAK_SAMPLE_INDEX = "peakSampleIndex" |
const QString | UPSAMPLING_RATE = "upsamplingRate" |
const QString | WAVEFORM_LENGTH = "waveformLength" |
const QString | PEAK_SAMPLE_LENGTH = "peakSampleLength" |
const QString | FILE = "file" |
const QString | TYPE = "type" |
const QString | URL = "url" |
const QString | DATE = "modificationDate" |
const QString | ITEMS = "items" |
const QString | ITEM_DESCRIPTION = "itemDescription" |
const QString | ITEM = "item" |
const QString | DISPLAY = "display" |
const QString | TAB_LABEL = "tabLabel" |
const QString | SHOW_LABELS = "showLabels" |
const QString | MULTIPLE_COLUMNS = "multipleColumns" |
const QString | START_TIME = "startTime" |
const QString | DURATION = "duration" |
const QString | GREYSCALE = "greyScale" |
const QString | POSITIONVIEW = "positionView" |
const QString | SHOWEVENTS = "showEvents" |
const QString | SPIKE_PRESENTATION = "spikePresentation" |
const QString | RASTER_HEIGHT = "rasterHeight" |
const QString | CLUSTERS_SELECTED = "clustersSelected" |
const QString | SPIKES_SELECTED = "spikesSelected" |
const QString | EVENTS_SELECTED = "eventsSelected" |
const QString | CLUSTERS_SKIPPED = "clustersSkipped" |
const QString | EVENTS_SKIPPED = "eventsSkipped" |
const QString | CHANNEL_POSITIONS = "channelPositions" |
const QString | CHANNELS_SELECTED = "channelsSelected" |
const QString | CHANNELS_SHOWN = "channelsShown" |
const QString | FILE_URL = "fileUrl" |
const QString | CLUSTER = "cluster" |
const QString | EVENT = "event" |
const QString | CHANNEL_POSITION = "channelPosition" |
const QString | GAIN = "gain" |
const QString | NEUROSCOPE |
Tag for the neuroscope session file root element. | |
const QString | PARAMETERS |
Tag for the parameter file root element. | |
const QString | CREATOR |
Tag for the creator attribut of the parameter file root element. | |
const QString | VERSION |
Tag for the version attribute of the root element. | |
const QString | ACQUISITION |
Tag for the acquisition element. | |
const QString | FIELD_POTENTIALS |
Tag for the filedPotentials element. | |
const QString | MISCELLANEOUS |
Tag for the miscellaneous element. | |
const QString | VIDEO |
Tag for the video element. | |
const QString | SAMPLING_RATES |
Tag for the samplingRate element. | |
const QString | CHANNELS |
Tag for the channels element. | |
const QString | ANATOMY |
Tag for the anatomy element. | |
const QString | SPIKE |
Tag for the spike element. | |
const QString | FILES |
Tag for the file element. | |
const QString | DISPLAYS |
Tag for the display element. | |
const QString | BITS |
Tag for the bits element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | NB_CHANNELS |
Tag for the nbChannels element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | SAMPLING_RATE |
Tag for the samplingRate element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | VOLTAGE_RANGE |
Tag for the voltageRange element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | AMPLIFICATION |
Tag for the amplification element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | OFFSET |
Tag for the offset element included in the acquisition element. | |
const QString | LFP_SAMPLING_RATE |
Tag for the lfpSamplingRate element included in the filedPotentials element. | |
const QString | SCREENGAIN |
Tag for the screenGain element included in the miscellaneous element. | |
Tag for the traceBackgroundImage element included in the miscellaneous element. | |
const QString | SPIKES |
Tag for the spikes element. | |
const QString | WIDTH |
Tag for the width element included in the video element. | |
const QString | HEIGHT |
Tag for the height element included in the video element. | |
const QString | ROTATE |
Tag for the rotate element included in the video element. | |
const QString | FLIP |
Tag for the flip element included in the video element. | |
const QString | VIDEO_IMAGE |
Tag for the video image element included in the file element. | |
Tag for the positions backgroung element included in the file element. | |
Tag for the extensionSamplingRate element included in the file element. | |
const QString | EXTENSION |
Tag for the extension element included in the file element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL_COLORS |
Tag for the channelColors element included in the channels element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL |
Tag for the channel element. | |
const QString | SKIP |
Tag for the skip attribute of the channel element. | |
const QString | COLOR |
Tag for the colors element. | |
const QString | ANATOMY_COLOR |
Tag for the anatomyColors element. | |
const QString | SPIKE_COLOR |
Tag for the spikeColors element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL_OFFSET |
Tag for the channelOffset element. | |
const QString | DEFAULT_OFFSET |
Tag for the defaultOffset element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL_GROUPS |
Tag for the channelGroups element. | |
const QString | GROUP |
Tag for the groups element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL |
Tag for the channel element. | |
const QString | NB_SAMPLES |
Tag for the nbSamples element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | PEAK_SAMPLE_INDEX |
Tag for the peakSAmpleIndex element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | UPSAMPLING_RATE |
Tag for the upsamplingRate element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | WAVEFORM_LENGTH |
Tag for the waveformLength element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | PEAK_SAMPLE_LENGTH |
Tag for the peakSampleLength element included in the spike element. | |
const QString | FILE |
Tag for the file element included in the files element. | |
const QString | TYPE |
Tag for the type element included in the file element. | |
const QString | URL |
Tag for the url element included in the file element. | |
const QString | DATE |
Tag for the date element included in the file element. | |
const QString | ITEMS |
Tag for the items element included in the file element. | |
const QString | ITEM_DESCRIPTION |
Tag for the itemDescription element included in the items element. | |
const QString | ITEM |
Tag for the item element included in the itemDescription element. | |
const QString | DISPLAY |
Tag for the display element included in the displays element. | |
const QString | TAB_LABEL |
Tag for the tabLabel element included in the display element. | |
const QString | SHOW_LABELS |
Tag for the showLabels element included in the display element. | |
const QString | START_TIME |
Tag for the startTime element included in the display element. | |
const QString | DURATION |
Tag for the duration element included in the display element. | |
const QString | MULTIPLE_COLUMNS |
Tag for the multipleColumns element included in the display element. | |
const QString | GREYSCALE |
Tag for the greyScale element included in the display element. | |
const QString | POSITIONVIEW |
Tag for the positionView element included in the display element. | |
const QString | SHOWEVENTS |
Tag for the showEvents element included in the display element. | |
Tag for the spikePresentation element included in the display element. | |
const QString | RASTER_HEIGHT |
Tag for the raster height element included in the display element. | |
Tag for the clustersSelected element included in the display element. | |
const QString | SPIKES_SELECTED |
Tag for the spikesSelected element included in the display element. | |
const QString | EVENTS_SELECTED |
Tag for the eventsSelected element included in the display element. | |
const QString | CLUSTERS_SKIPPED |
Tag for the clustersSkipped element included in the display element. | |
const QString | EVENTS_SKIPPED |
Tag for the eventsSkippedelement included in the display element. | |
Tag for the channelPositions element included in the display element. | |
Tag for the channelsSelected element included in the display element. | |
const QString | CHANNELS_SHOWN |
Tag for the channelsShown element included in the display element. | |
const QString | FILE_URL |
Tag for the fileUrl element included in the clustersSelected element. | |
const QString | CLUSTER |
Tag for the cluster element included in the clustersSelected element. | |
const QString | EVENT |
Tag for the event element included in the eventsSelected element. | |
const QString | CHANNEL_POSITION |
Tag for the channelPosition element included in the channelPositions element. | |
const QString | GAIN |
Tag for the gain element included in the channelPosition element. |
const QString neuroscope::EXTENSION_SAMPLING_RATE |
Tag for the extensionSamplingRate element included in the file element.
const QString neuroscope::EXTENSION_SAMPLING_RATE |
Tag for the extensionSamplingRate element included in the file element.