NeuroscopeDoc Class Reference

The NeuroscopeDoc class provides a document object that can be used in conjunction with the classes NeuroscopeApp and NeuroscopeView to create a document-view model for MDI (Multiple Document Interface) based on KApplication and KDockMainWindow as main classes. More...

#include <neuroscopedoc.h>

Collaboration diagram for NeuroscopeDoc:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage {
 Information retun after a call to openFile/saveDocument/createFeatureFile.
enum  OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage {
 Information retun after a call to openFile/saveDocument/createFeatureFile.

Public Slots

void slotNewEventDescriptionCreated (QString providerName, QMap< int, int > oldNewEventIds, QMap< int, int > newOldEventIds, QString eventDescriptionAdded)
 Updates the event palette and the views after the creation of a new event description.
void slotEventDescriptionRemoved (QString providerName, QMap< int, int > oldNewEventIds, QMap< int, int > newOldEventIds, int eventIdToRemove, QString eventDescriptionToRemove)
 Updates the event palette and the views after the suppression of an event description.
void slotNewEventDescriptionCreated (QString providerName, QMap< int, int > oldNewEventIds, QMap< int, int > newOldEventIds, QString eventDescriptionAdded)
 Updates the event palette and the views after the creation of a new event description.
void slotEventDescriptionRemoved (QString providerName, QMap< int, int > oldNewEventIds, QMap< int, int > newOldEventIds, int eventIdToRemove, QString eventDescriptionToRemove)
 Updates the event palette and the views after the suppression of an event description.


void noSession (QMap< int, int > &channelDefaultOffsets, QMap< int, bool > &skipStatus)
 Informs the application that there is no session file available.
void loadFirstDisplay (QValueList< int > *channelsToDisplay, bool verticalLines, bool raster, bool waveforms, bool showLabels, bool multipleColumns, bool greyMode, QValueList< int > offsets, QValueList< int > channelGains, QValueList< int > selectedChannels, QMap< int, bool > &skipStatus, long startTime, long duration, QString tabLabel, bool positionView, int rasterHeight, bool showEventsInPositionView)
 Informs the application that there the first display to create will show the channels contained in channelsToDisplay.
void noSession (QMap< int, int > &channelDefaultOffsets, QMap< int, bool > &skipStatus)
 Informs the application that there is no session file available.
void loadFirstDisplay (QValueList< int > *channelsToDisplay, bool verticalLines, bool raster, bool waveforms, bool showLabels, bool multipleColumns, bool greyMode, QValueList< int > offsets, QValueList< int > channelGains, QValueList< int > selectedChannels, QMap< int, bool > &skipStatus, long startTime, long duration, QString tabLabel, bool positionView, int rasterHeight, bool showEventsInPositionView)
 Informs the application that there the first display to create will show the channels contained in channelsToDisplay.

Public Member Functions

 NeuroscopeDoc (QWidget *parent, ChannelPalette &displayChannelPalette, ChannelPalette &spikeChannelPalette, int channelNbDefault, double datSamplingRateDefault, double eegSamplingRateDefault, int initialOffset, int voltageRangeDefault, int amplificationDefault, float screenGainDefault, int resolutionDefault, int eventPosition, int clusterPosition, int nbSamples, int peakSampleIndex, double videoSamplingRate, int width, int height, QString backgroundImage, QString traceBackgroundImage, int rotation, int flip, bool positionsBackground)
 Constructs a document.
 ~NeuroscopeDoc ()
 Destructor for the fileclass of the application.
void addView (NeuroscopeView *view)
 Adds a view to the document which represents the document contents.
void removeView (NeuroscopeView *view)
 Removes a view from the list of currently connected views.
void closeDocument ()
 Closes the actual document.
int openDocument (const KURL &url)
 Opens the document by filename.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage saveSession ()
 Saves the current session: displays, spike, cluster, event files opened and selected clusters and events.
int saveEventFiles ()
 Saves the event files.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage saveSession (KURL newSessionUrl)
 Saves the current session: displays, spike, cluster, event files opened and selected clusters and events.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage createEventFile (KURL eventUrl, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Creates a new event file.
const KURL & url () const
 Returns the KURL of the document.
void setURL (const KURL &url)
 Sets the URL of the document.
void singleChannelColorUpdate (int channelId, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Changes the color of a channel.
void clusterColorUpdate (QString providerName, int clusterId, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Changes the color of a cluster.
void eventColorUpdate (QString providerName, int eventId, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Changes the color of a event.
void channelGroupColorUpdate (int groupId, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Changes the color of a group of channels.
void groupsModified (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Triggers the update of the displays due to a change in the display groups.
void setBackgroundColor (QColor backgroundColor)
 Updates the background color used in the views.
void setTraceBackgroundImage (QString traceBackgroundImagePath)
 Updates the background image used in the trace views.
void setInitialOffset (int offset)
 Sets the initial offset for all the traces for the current document.
void setGains (int voltageRange, int amplification, float screenGain)
 Sets the various gains.
void setResolution (int resolution)
 Sets the resolution of the acquisition system of the current document.
void setSamplingRate (double rate)
 Sets the sampling rate for the current document.
void setAcquisitionSystemSamplingRate (double rate)
 Sets the acquisition system sampling rate.
void setChannelNb (int nb)
 Sets the number of channels for the current document.
int getInitialOffset () const
 Gets the initial offset for all the traces for the current document.
int getAcquisitionGain () const
 Gets the acquisition system gains.
int getGain () const
 Gets the current gain based on the screen gain and the acquisition system gain.
int getVoltageRange () const
 Gets the voltage range of the acquisition system in volts for the current document.
int getAmplification () const
 Gets the amplification of the acquisition system for the current document.
float getScreenGain () const
 Gets the screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels for the current document.
int getResolution () const
 Gets the resolution of the acquisition system for the current document.
double getSamplingRate () const
 Gets the sampling rate for the current document.
double getAcquisitionSystemSamplingRate () const
 Gets the acquisition system sampling rate.
bool getPositionsBackground () const
 All the positions contained in a position file can be used to create a background image for the PositionView.
void setDefaultGains (int voltageRangeDefault, int amplificationDefault, float screenGainDefault)
 Sets the various default gains.
void setVoltageRange (int range)
 Sets the voltage range of the acquisition system in volts for the current document.
void setAmplification (int amplification)
 Sets the amplification of the acquisition system for the current document.
void setScreenGain (float gain)
 Sets the screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels for the current document.
void setDefaultInitialOffset (int offset)
 Sets the default initial offset for all the traces.
void setDefaultResolution (int resolution)
 Sets the default resolution of the acquisition system.
void setDefaultEegSamplingRate (double rate)
 Sets the default sampling rate of the EEG file.
void setDefaultDatSamplingRate (double rate)
 Sets the default sampling rate of the dat file.
void setDefaultChannelNb (int nb)
 Sets the default number of channels.
void setDefaultTraceBackgroundImage (QString traceBackgroundImagePath)
 Sets the default background image for the trace view.
void propertiesFromCommandLine ()
 Sets that some of the properties of the current document were provided on the command line.
ChannelColorschannelColors () const
 Returns a pointer on the list of ItemColor objects used to represent the channel colors.
TracesProvidertracesDataProvider () const
 Returns a reference on the DataProvider containing the information on the traces (TracesProvider).
QMap< int, int > * getDisplayChannelsGroups ()
 Returns a reference on the Map given the correspondance between the channel ids and the display group ids.
QMap< int, QValueList< int > > * getDisplayGroupsChannels ()
 Returns a reference on the map given th correspondance between the display group ids and the channel ids.
QMap< int, int > * getChannelsSpikeGroups ()
 Returns a reference on the Map given the correspondance between the channel ids and the spike group ids.
QMap< int, QValueList< int > > * getSpikeGroupsChannels ()
 Returns a reference on the map given th correspondance between the spike group ids and the channel ids.
void selectAllChannels (NeuroscopeView &activeView, bool editMode)
 Selects all the channels and shows them if the edit mode is not selected.
void deselectAllChannels (NeuroscopeView &activeView, bool editMode)
 Deselects all the channels and hides them if the edit mode is not selected.
void synchronize ()
 The two channel palettes are synchronized.
void updateFileProperties (int channelNb, double SR, int resolution, int offset, int voltageRange, int amplification, float screenGain, int newNbSamples, int newPeakSampleIndex, double videoSamplingRate, int width, int height, QString backgroundImage, QString traceBackgroundImage, int rotation, int flip, double acquisitionSystemSamplingRate, bool positionsBackground)
 Updates the properties for the current file (number of channels, sampling rate of the dat file and eeg file).
bool isCurrentFileAdatFile ()
 Returns true if the current opened file is a dat file (intial recorded file), false otherwise.
QString documentBaseName ()
 Returns the base name of the document (common name for all the files).
QString sessionPath () const
 Returns the session file path.
long long recordingLength ()
 Returns the total length of the document in seconds.
bool isADocumentToClose ()
 Tells if there is opened document to be closed.
void setNoneEditMode (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Informs the displays that the mode hase switch from edit to none edit.
bool canCloseDocument (NeuroscopeApp *mainWindow, QString callingMethod)
 Verifies if the document can be close.
void showCalibration (bool show, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Shows or hides the calibration bar.
QString lastLoadedProviderName ()
 Returns the name used to identified the last loaded provider.
ItemColorsproviderColorList (QString fileName)
 Returns the item color list for the given provider.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadClusterFile (KURL clusterUrl, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Loads the cluster file identified by clusterUrl.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadClusterFile (KURL clusterUrl, QMap< EventDescription, QColor > &itemColors, QDateTime lastModified, bool firstFile)
 Loads the cluster file store in the session file and identified by clusterUrl.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadPositionFile (KURL url, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Loads the position file and creates the position view in the current display.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadPositionFile (QString filePath)
 Loads the position file.
void removeClusterFile (QString providerName, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Removes the cluster provider corresponding to the identifier providerName from the list of providers.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadEventFile (KURL eventUrl, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Loads the event file identified by eventUrl.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadEventFile (KURL eventUrl, QMap< EventDescription, QColor > &itemColors, QDateTime lastModified, bool firstFile)
 Loads the event file store in the session file and identified by eventUrl.
void removeEventFile (QString providerName, NeuroscopeView *activeView, bool lastFile)
 Removes the event provider corresponding to the identifier providerName from the list of providers.
void setProviders (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Sets the data providers to the newly created view.
void showAllClustersExcept (ItemPalette *clusterPalette, NeuroscopeView *activeView, QValueList< int > clustersToHide)
 Updates the selection of clusters to be shown by showing all the clusters except those contained in clustersToNotShow.
void deselectAllClusters (ItemPalette *clusterPalette, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Updates the selection of clusters to be shown by hiding all the clusters.
void showAllEvents (ItemPalette *eventPalette, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Updates the selection of events to be shown by showing all the events.
void deselectAllEvents (ItemPalette *eventPalette, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Updates the selection of events to be shown by hiding all the events.
int getLastEventProviderGridX () const
 Returns the value to use as the length for the event descriptions in the event palette for the the last loaded event provider.
void setEventPosition (int position)
 Sets the event position in percentage from the begining of the window where the events are display when browsing.
void setClusterPosition (int position)
 Sets the cluster position in percentage from the begining of the window where the clusters are display when browsing.
void eventModified (QString providerName, int selectedEventId, double time, double newTime, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Informs that an event has been modified.
void eventRemoved (QString providerName, int selectedEventId, double time, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Informs that an event has been removed.
void undo (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Reverts the last user action.
void redo (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Reverts the last undo action.
void eventAdded (QString providerName, QString addedEventDescription, double time, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Informs that an event has been added.
QValueList< EventDescriptioneventIds (QString providerName)
 Returns the list of existing event descriptions contained in the currently selected event file.
void setWaveformInformation (int nb, int index, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Sets the information used to display spike waveforms.
void setDefaultWaveformInformation (int nb, int index)
 Sets the default information used to display spike waveforms.
int getNbSamples () const
 Returns the number of samples per spike waveform.
int getPeakIndex () const
 Returns the index of the peak sample in the spike waveform.
void setPositionInformation (double videoSamplingRate, int width, int height, QString backgroundImage, int rotation, int flip, bool positionsBackground, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Sets the information used to display the animal position.
void setDefaultPositionInformation (double videoSamplingRate, int width, int height, QString backgroundImage, int rotation, int flip, bool positionsBackground)
 Sets the default information used to display the animal position.
double getVideoSamplingRate () const
 Gets the video sampling rate.
int getChannelNb () const
 Gets the number of channels for the current document.
int getWidth () const
 Returns the video image width.
int getHeight () const
 Returns the video image height.
QString getBackgroundImage () const
 Returns the background image for the PositionView.
QString getTraceBackgroundImage () const
 Returns the background image for the TraceView.
int getRotation () const
 Returns the video image rotation angle.
int getFlip () const
 Returns the video image flip orientation.
void removePositionFile (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Removes the positon provider corresponding to the position file from the list of providers.
void addPositionView (NeuroscopeView *activeView, QColor backgroundColor)
 Adds a PositionView in the current display.
CloseDocumentEventgetCloseDocumentEvent (QString origin)
QImage getWhiteTrajectoryBackground ()
 Gets a background image containing the animal trajectory on a white background.
void updateSkippedChannelColors (bool whiteBackground, QColor backgroundColor)
 Updates the color of the skipped channels to either white or background color.
void updateSkipStatus ()
 Informs the views that the list of skipped channel has changed.
void setDefaultOffsets (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
void resetDefaultOffsets ()
 Resets the channel default offsets to zero.
const QMap< int, int > & getChannelDefaultOffsets () const
 Returns a reference on the the map given the of channels default offsets.
 NeuroscopeDoc (QWidget *parent, ChannelPalette &displayChannelPalette, ChannelPalette &spikeChannelPalette, int channelNbDefault, double datSamplingRateDefault, double eegSamplingRateDefault, int initialOffset, int voltageRangeDefault, int amplificationDefault, float screenGainDefault, int resolutionDefault, int eventPosition, int clusterPosition, int nbSamples, int peakSampleIndex, double videoSamplingRate, int width, int height, QString backgroundImage, QString traceBackgroundImage, int rotation, int flip, bool positionsBackground)
 Constructs a document.
 ~NeuroscopeDoc ()
 Destructor for the fileclass of the application.
void addView (NeuroscopeView *view)
 Adds a view to the document which represents the document contents.
void removeView (NeuroscopeView *view)
 Removes a view from the list of currently connected views.
void closeDocument ()
 Closes the actual document.
int openDocument (const KURL &url)
 Opens the document by filename.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage saveSession ()
 Saves the current session: displays, spike, cluster, event files opened and selected clusters and events.
int saveEventFiles ()
 Saves the event files.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage saveSession (KURL newSessionUrl)
 Saves the current session: displays, spike, cluster, event files opened and selected clusters and events.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage createEventFile (KURL eventUrl, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Creates a new event file.
const KURL & url () const
 Returns the KURL of the document.
void setURL (const KURL &url)
 Sets the URL of the document.
void singleChannelColorUpdate (int channelId, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Changes the color of a channel.
void clusterColorUpdate (QString providerName, int clusterId, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Changes the color of a cluster.
void eventColorUpdate (QString providerName, int eventId, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Changes the color of a event.
void channelGroupColorUpdate (int groupId, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Changes the color of a group of channels.
void groupsModified (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Triggers the update of the displays due to a change in the display groups.
void setBackgroundColor (QColor backgroundColor)
 Updates the background color used in the views.
void setTraceBackgroundImage (QString traceBackgroundImagePath)
 Updates the background image used in the trace views.
void setInitialOffset (int offset)
 Sets the initial offset for all the traces for the current document.
void setGains (int voltageRange, int amplification, float screenGain)
 Sets the various gains.
void setResolution (int resolution)
 Sets the resolution of the acquisition system of the current document.
void setSamplingRate (double rate)
 Sets the sampling rate for the current document.
void setAcquisitionSystemSamplingRate (double rate)
 Sets the acquisition system sampling rate.
void setChannelNb (int nb)
 Sets the number of channels for the current document.
int getInitialOffset () const
 Gets the initial offset for all the traces for the current document.
int getAcquisitionGain () const
 Gets the acquisition system gains.
int getGain () const
 Gets the current gain based on the screen gain and the acquisition system gain.
int getVoltageRange () const
 Gets the voltage range of the acquisition system in volts for the current document.
int getAmplification () const
 Gets the amplification of the acquisition system for the current document.
float getScreenGain () const
 Gets the screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels for the current document.
int getResolution () const
 Gets the resolution of the acquisition system for the current document.
double getSamplingRate () const
 Gets the sampling rate for the current document.
double getAcquisitionSystemSamplingRate () const
 Gets the acquisition system sampling rate.
bool getPositionsBackground () const
 All the positions contained in a position file can be used to create a background image for the PositionView.
void setDefaultGains (int voltageRangeDefault, int amplificationDefault, float screenGainDefault)
 Sets the various default gains.
void setVoltageRange (int range)
 Sets the voltage range of the acquisition system in volts for the current document.
void setAmplification (int amplification)
 Sets the amplification of the acquisition system for the current document.
void setScreenGain (float gain)
 Sets the screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels for the current document.
void setDefaultInitialOffset (int offset)
 Sets the default initial offset for all the traces.
void setDefaultResolution (int resolution)
 Sets the default resolution of the acquisition system.
void setDefaultEegSamplingRate (double rate)
 Sets the default sampling rate of the EEG file.
void setDefaultDatSamplingRate (double rate)
 Sets the default sampling rate of the dat file.
void setDefaultChannelNb (int nb)
 Sets the default number of channels.
void setDefaultTraceBackgroundImage (QString traceBackgroundImagePath)
 Sets the default background image for the trace view.
void propertiesFromCommandLine ()
 Sets that some of the properties of the current document were provided on the command line.
ChannelColorschannelColors () const
 Returns a pointer on the list of ItemColor objects used to represent the channel colors.
TracesProvidertracesDataProvider () const
 Returns a reference on the DataProvider containing the information on the traces (TracesProvider).
QMap< int, int > * getDisplayChannelsGroups ()
 Returns a reference on the Map given the correspondance between the channel ids and the display group ids.
QMap< int, QValueList< int > > * getDisplayGroupsChannels ()
 Returns a reference on the map given th correspondance between the display group ids and the channel ids.
QMap< int, int > * getChannelsSpikeGroups ()
 Returns a reference on the Map given the correspondance between the channel ids and the spike group ids.
QMap< int, QValueList< int > > * getSpikeGroupsChannels ()
 Returns a reference on the map given th correspondance between the spike group ids and the channel ids.
void selectAllChannels (NeuroscopeView &activeView, bool editMode)
 Selects all the channels and shows them if the edit mode is not selected.
void deselectAllChannels (NeuroscopeView &activeView, bool editMode)
 Deselects all the channels and hides them if the edit mode is not selected.
void synchronize ()
 The two channel palettes are synchronized.
void updateFileProperties (int channelNb, double SR, int resolution, int offset, int voltageRange, int amplification, float screenGain, int newNbSamples, int newPeakSampleIndex, double videoSamplingRate, int width, int height, QString backgroundImage, QString traceBackgroundImage, int rotation, int flip, double acquisitionSystemSamplingRate, bool positionsBackground)
 Updates the properties for the current file (number of channels, sampling rate of the dat file and eeg file).
bool isCurrentFileAdatFile ()
 Returns true if the current opened file is a dat file (intial recorded file), false otherwise.
QString documentBaseName ()
 Returns the base name of the document (common name for all the files).
QString sessionPath () const
 Returns the session file path.
long long recordingLength ()
 Returns the total length of the document in seconds.
bool isADocumentToClose ()
 Tells if there is opened document to be closed.
void setNoneEditMode (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Informs the displays that the mode hase switch from edit to none edit.
bool canCloseDocument (NeuroscopeApp *mainWindow, QString callingMethod)
 Verifies if the document can be close.
void showCalibration (bool show, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Shows or hides the calibration bar.
QString lastLoadedProviderName ()
 Returns the name used to identified the last loaded provider.
ItemColorsproviderColorList (QString fileName)
 Returns the item color list for the given provider.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadClusterFile (KURL clusterUrl, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Loads the cluster file identified by clusterUrl.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadClusterFile (KURL clusterUrl, QMap< EventDescription, QColor > &itemColors, QDateTime lastModified, bool firstFile)
 Loads the cluster file store in the session file and identified by clusterUrl.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadPositionFile (KURL url, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Loads the position file and creates the position view in the current display.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadPositionFile (QString filePath)
 Loads the position file.
void removeClusterFile (QString providerName, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Removes the cluster provider corresponding to the identifier providerName from the list of providers.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadEventFile (KURL eventUrl, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Loads the event file identified by eventUrl.
OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage loadEventFile (KURL eventUrl, QMap< EventDescription, QColor > &itemColors, QDateTime lastModified, bool firstFile)
 Loads the event file store in the session file and identified by eventUrl.
void removeEventFile (QString providerName, NeuroscopeView *activeView, bool lastFile)
 Removes the event provider corresponding to the identifier providerName from the list of providers.
void setProviders (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Sets the data providers to the newly created view.
void showAllClustersExcept (ItemPalette *clusterPalette, NeuroscopeView *activeView, QValueList< int > clustersToHide)
 Updates the selection of clusters to be shown by showing all the clusters except those contained in clustersToNotShow.
void deselectAllClusters (ItemPalette *clusterPalette, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Updates the selection of clusters to be shown by hiding all the clusters.
void showAllEvents (ItemPalette *eventPalette, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Updates the selection of events to be shown by showing all the events.
void deselectAllEvents (ItemPalette *eventPalette, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Updates the selection of events to be shown by hiding all the events.
int getLastEventProviderGridX () const
 Returns the value to use as the length for the event descriptions in the event palette for the the last loaded event provider.
void setEventPosition (int position)
 Sets the event position in percentage from the begining of the window where the events are display when browsing.
void setClusterPosition (int position)
 Sets the cluster position in percentage from the begining of the window where the clusters are display when browsing.
void eventModified (QString providerName, int selectedEventId, double time, double newTime, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Informs that an event has been modified.
void eventRemoved (QString providerName, int selectedEventId, double time, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Informs that an event has been removed.
void undo (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Reverts the last user action.
void redo (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Reverts the last undo action.
void eventAdded (QString providerName, QString addedEventDescription, double time, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Informs that an event has been added.
QValueList< EventDescriptioneventIds (QString providerName)
 Returns the list of existing event descriptions contained in the currently selected event file.
void setWaveformInformation (int nb, int index, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Sets the information used to display spike waveforms.
void setDefaultWaveformInformation (int nb, int index)
 Sets the default information used to display spike waveforms.
int getNbSamples () const
 Returns the number of samples per spike waveform.
int getPeakIndex () const
 Returns the index of the peak sample in the spike waveform.
void setPositionInformation (double videoSamplingRate, int width, int height, QString backgroundImage, int rotation, int flip, bool positionsBackground, NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Sets the information used to display the animal position.
void setDefaultPositionInformation (double videoSamplingRate, int width, int height, QString backgroundImage, int rotation, int flip, bool positionsBackground)
 Sets the default information used to display the animal position.
double getVideoSamplingRate () const
 Gets the video sampling rate.
int getChannelNb () const
 Gets the number of channels for the current document.
int getWidth () const
 Returns the video image width.
int getHeight () const
 Returns the video image height.
QString getBackgroundImage () const
 Returns the background image for the PositionView.
QString getTraceBackgroundImage () const
 Returns the background image for the TraceView.
int getRotation () const
 Returns the video image rotation angle.
int getFlip () const
 Returns the video image flip orientation.
void removePositionFile (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
 Removes the positon provider corresponding to the position file from the list of providers.
void addPositionView (NeuroscopeView *activeView, QColor backgroundColor)
 Adds a PositionView in the current display.
CloseDocumentEventgetCloseDocumentEvent (QString origin)
QImage getWhiteTrajectoryBackground ()
 Gets a background image containing the animal trajectory on a white background.
void updateSkippedChannelColors (bool whiteBackground, QColor backgroundColor)
 Updates the color of the skipped channels to either white or background color.
void updateSkipStatus ()
 Informs the views that the list of skipped channel has changed.
void setDefaultOffsets (NeuroscopeView *activeView)
void resetDefaultOffsets ()
 Resets the channel default offsets to zero.
const QMap< int, int > & getChannelDefaultOffsets () const
 Returns a reference on the the map given the of channels default offsets.

Public Attributes

QPtrList< NeuroscopeView > * viewList
 The list of the views currently connected to the document.
QPtrList< NeuroscopeView > * viewList
 The list of the views currently connected to the document.


class CloseDocumentEvent


class  CloseDocumentEvent
 Internal class use to send information to the main window to inform it that the document could not be closed has there still have thread running. More...

Detailed Description

The NeuroscopeDoc class provides a document object that can be used in conjunction with the classes NeuroscopeApp and NeuroscopeView to create a document-view model for MDI (Multiple Document Interface) based on KApplication and KDockMainWindow as main classes.

Thereby, the document object is created by the NeuroscopeApp instance and contains the document structure with the according methods for manipulating the document data by NeuroscopeView objects. Also, NeuroscopeDoc contains the methods for serialization of the document data from and to files.

Lynn Hazan

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NeuroscopeDoc::NeuroscopeDoc ( QWidget *  parent,
ChannelPalette displayChannelPalette,
ChannelPalette spikeChannelPalette,
int  channelNbDefault,
double  datSamplingRateDefault,
double  eegSamplingRateDefault,
int  initialOffset,
int  voltageRangeDefault,
int  amplificationDefault,
float  screenGainDefault,
int  resolutionDefault,
int  eventPosition,
int  clusterPosition,
int  nbSamples,
int  peakSampleIndex,
double  videoSamplingRate,
int  width,
int  height,
QString  backgroundImage,
QString  traceBackgroundImage,
int  rotation,
int  flip,
bool  positionsBackground 

Constructs a document.

parent the parent QWidget.
displayChannelPalette a reference to the channel palette used to specify the traces display.
spikeChannelPalette a reference to the channel palette used to create the spike groups.
channelNbDefault default number of channels in the settings.
datSamplingRateDefault default sampling rate of the dat file in the settings.
eegSamplingRateDefault default sampling rate of the EEG file in the settings.
initialOffset initial default offset for all the field potentials.
voltageRangeDefault voltage range of the acquisition system in volts.
amplificationDefault default amplification of the acquisition system.
screenGainDefault default screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels
resolutionDefault default resolution of the acquisition system.
eventPosition represents the event position, in percentage from the begining of the window, where the events are display when browsing.
clusterPosition represents the cluster position, in percentage from the begining of the window, where the clusters are display when browsing.
nbSamples number of samples per spike waveform.
peakSampleIndex sample index corresponding to the peak of a spike waveform.
videoSamplingRate video acquisition sampling rate.
width video image width.
height video image height.
backgroundImage image used as a background for the position view.
traceBackgroundImage image used as a background for the trace view.
rotation video image rotation angle.
flip video image flip orientation, 0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.
positionsBackground true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.

NeuroscopeDoc::NeuroscopeDoc ( QWidget *  parent,
ChannelPalette displayChannelPalette,
ChannelPalette spikeChannelPalette,
int  channelNbDefault,
double  datSamplingRateDefault,
double  eegSamplingRateDefault,
int  initialOffset,
int  voltageRangeDefault,
int  amplificationDefault,
float  screenGainDefault,
int  resolutionDefault,
int  eventPosition,
int  clusterPosition,
int  nbSamples,
int  peakSampleIndex,
double  videoSamplingRate,
int  width,
int  height,
QString  backgroundImage,
QString  traceBackgroundImage,
int  rotation,
int  flip,
bool  positionsBackground 

Constructs a document.

parent the parent QWidget.
displayChannelPalette a reference to the channel palette used to specify the traces display.
spikeChannelPalette a reference to the channel palette used to create the spike groups.
channelNbDefault default number of channels in the settings.
datSamplingRateDefault default sampling rate of the dat file in the settings.
eegSamplingRateDefault default sampling rate of the EEG file in the settings.
initialOffset initial default offset for all the field potentials.
voltageRangeDefault voltage range of the acquisition system in volts.
amplificationDefault default amplification of the acquisition system.
screenGainDefault default screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels
resolutionDefault default resolution of the acquisition system.
eventPosition represents the event position, in percentage from the begining of the window, where the events are display when browsing.
clusterPosition represents the cluster position, in percentage from the begining of the window, where the clusters are display when browsing.
nbSamples number of samples per spike waveform.
peakSampleIndex sample index corresponding to the peak of a spike waveform.
videoSamplingRate video acquisition sampling rate.
width video image width.
height video image height.
backgroundImage image used as a background for the position view.
traceBackgroundImage image used as a background for the trace view.
rotation video image rotation angle.
flip video image flip orientation, 0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.
positionsBackground true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.

Member Function Documentation

int NeuroscopeDoc::openDocument ( const KURL &  url  ) 

Opens the document by filename.

url url of the file to open (dat file or eeg file).
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the open status.

NeuroscopeDoc::OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::saveSession (  ) 

Saves the current session: displays, spike, cluster, event files opened and selected clusters and events.

It also saves the relevant changes in the parameter files (creating one if there is none).

an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the saving status.

int NeuroscopeDoc::saveEventFiles (  ) 

Saves the event files.

an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the save status.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::saveSession ( KURL  newSessionUrl  )  [inline]

Saves the current session: displays, spike, cluster, event files opened and selected clusters and events.

newSessionUrl new url where to write the session information to.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the saving status.

NeuroscopeDoc::OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::createEventFile ( KURL  eventUrl,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Creates a new event file.

eventUrl url of the new event file.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the creation status.

void NeuroscopeDoc::singleChannelColorUpdate ( int  channelId,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Changes the color of a channel.

channelId id of the channel to redraw.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::clusterColorUpdate ( QString  providerName,
int  clusterId,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Changes the color of a cluster.

providerName identifier of the cluster provider containing the updated cluster.
clusterId id of the cluster to redraw.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::eventColorUpdate ( QString  providerName,
int  eventId,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Changes the color of a event.

providerName identifier of the event provider containing the updated cluster.
eventId id of the event to redraw.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::channelGroupColorUpdate ( int  groupId,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Changes the color of a group of channels.

groupId id of the group for which the color have been changed.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::groupsModified ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Triggers the update of the displays due to a change in the display groups.

Only the active display is updated immediately.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setBackgroundColor ( QColor  backgroundColor  ) 

Updates the background color used in the views.

backgroundColor color of the new background.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setTraceBackgroundImage ( QString  traceBackgroundImagePath  ) 

Updates the background image used in the trace views.

backgroundImagePath path of the image for the traces background.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setGains ( int  voltageRange,
int  amplification,
float  screenGain 

Sets the various gains.

voltageRange voltage range of the acquisition system in volts.oltage range of the acquisition system in volts.
amplification amplification of the acquisition system.
screenGain screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setResolution ( int  resolution  ) 

Sets the resolution of the acquisition system of the current document.

resolution current resolution.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setSamplingRate ( double  rate  ) 

Sets the sampling rate for the current document.

rate sampling rate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setAcquisitionSystemSamplingRate ( double  rate  ) 

Sets the acquisition system sampling rate.

This function is call only if the current opened file is not a dat file.

rate sampling rate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setChannelNb ( int  nb  ) 

Sets the number of channels for the current document.

nb current number of channels.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getInitialOffset (  )  const [inline]

Gets the initial offset for all the traces for the current document.

initial offset.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getAcquisitionGain (  )  const [inline]

Gets the acquisition system gains.

current acquisition gain.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getGain (  )  const [inline]

Gets the current gain based on the screen gain and the acquisition system gain.

current gain.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getVoltageRange (  )  const [inline]

Gets the voltage range of the acquisition system in volts for the current document.

current voltage range.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getAmplification (  )  const [inline]

Gets the amplification of the acquisition system for the current document.

current amplification.

float NeuroscopeDoc::getScreenGain (  )  const [inline]

Gets the screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels for the current document.

current screen gain.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getResolution (  )  const [inline]

Gets the resolution of the acquisition system for the current document.

current resolution.

double NeuroscopeDoc::getSamplingRate (  )  const [inline]

Gets the sampling rate for the current document.

current sampling rate.

double NeuroscopeDoc::getAcquisitionSystemSamplingRate (  )  const [inline]

Gets the acquisition system sampling rate.

acquisition system sampling rate.

bool NeuroscopeDoc::getPositionsBackground (  )  const [inline]

All the positions contained in a position file can be used to create a background image for the PositionView.

The value return by this function tells if such background has to be created.

true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultGains ( int  voltageRangeDefault,
int  amplificationDefault,
float  screenGainDefault 
) [inline]

Sets the various default gains.

voltageRangeDefault default voltage range of the acquisition system in volts.
amplificationDefault default amplification of the acquisition system.
screenGainDefault default screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setVoltageRange ( int  range  )  [inline]

Sets the voltage range of the acquisition system in volts for the current document.

range current voltage range.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setAmplification ( int  amplification  )  [inline]

Sets the amplification of the acquisition system for the current document.

amplification current amplification.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setScreenGain ( float  gain  )  [inline]

Sets the screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels for the current document.

gain current screen gain.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultInitialOffset ( int  offset  )  [inline]

Sets the default initial offset for all the traces.

offset initial offset.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultResolution ( int  resolution  )  [inline]

Sets the default resolution of the acquisition system.

resolution default resolution.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultEegSamplingRate ( double  rate  )  [inline]

Sets the default sampling rate of the EEG file.

rate default sampling rate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultDatSamplingRate ( double  rate  )  [inline]

Sets the default sampling rate of the dat file.

rate default sampling rate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultChannelNb ( int  nb  )  [inline]

Sets the default number of channels.

nb default number of channels.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultTraceBackgroundImage ( QString  traceBackgroundImagePath  )  [inline]

Sets the default background image for the trace view.

traceBackgroundImagePath background image.

ChannelColors* NeuroscopeDoc::channelColors (  )  const [inline]

Returns a pointer on the list of ItemColor objects used to represent the channel colors.

ChannelColors containing the information on the channels and their associated color.

TracesProvider& NeuroscopeDoc::tracesDataProvider (  )  const [inline]

Returns a reference on the DataProvider containing the information on the traces (TracesProvider).

TracesProvider object.

void NeuroscopeDoc::selectAllChannels ( NeuroscopeView activeView,
bool  editMode 

Selects all the channels and shows them if the edit mode is not selected.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
editMode true if the edit mode is selected, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::deselectAllChannels ( NeuroscopeView activeView,
bool  editMode 

Deselects all the channels and hides them if the edit mode is not selected.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
editMode true if the edit mode is selected, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::updateFileProperties ( int  channelNb,
double  SR,
int  resolution,
int  offset,
int  voltageRange,
int  amplification,
float  screenGain,
int  newNbSamples,
int  newPeakSampleIndex,
double  videoSamplingRate,
int  width,
int  height,
QString  backgroundImage,
QString  traceBackgroundImage,
int  rotation,
int  flip,
double  acquisitionSystemSamplingRate,
bool  positionsBackground 
) [inline]

Updates the properties for the current file (number of channels, sampling rate of the dat file and eeg file).

This function is only called at the opening of a file if the user has changed the default or command line values.

channelNb number of channels.
SR sampling rate of the current file..
resolution resolution of the acquisition system.
offset initial offset for all the traces.
voltageRange voltage range of the acquisition system in volts.
amplification amplification of the acquisition system.
screenGain screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels.
newNbSamples number of samples per spike waveform.
newPeakSampleIndex sample index corresponding to the peak of a spike waveform.
videoSamplingRate video acquisition sampling rate.
width video image width.
height video image height.
backgroundImage image used as a background for the position view.
traceBackgroundImage image used as a background for the trace view.
rotation video image rotation angle.
flip video image flip orientation, 0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.
acquisitionSystemSamplingRate acquisition system sampling.
positionsBackground true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.

bool NeuroscopeDoc::isADocumentToClose (  ) 

Tells if there is opened document to be closed.

true if there is a document to close, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setNoneEditMode ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Informs the displays that the mode hase switch from edit to none edit.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

bool NeuroscopeDoc::canCloseDocument ( NeuroscopeApp mainWindow,
QString  callingMethod 

Verifies if the document can be close.

mainWindow the main window calling this method.
callingMethod the mainWindow's method which call this method.
true if the document can be close, false if there still thread running and the document could not be close.

void NeuroscopeDoc::showCalibration ( bool  show,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Shows or hides the calibration bar.

This bar is meaningful only when all the channels have the same amplification.

show true if the bar has to be shown false otherwise.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

ItemColors* NeuroscopeDoc::providerColorList ( QString  fileName  )  [inline]

Returns the item color list for the given provider.

fileName name of the file containing the data of the provider.

NeuroscopeDoc::OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadClusterFile ( KURL  clusterUrl,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Loads the cluster file identified by clusterUrl.

clusterUrl url of the cluster file to load.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

NeuroscopeDoc::OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadClusterFile ( KURL  clusterUrl,
QMap< EventDescription, QColor > &  itemColors,
QDateTime  lastModified,
bool  firstFile 

Loads the cluster file store in the session file and identified by clusterUrl.

clusterUrl url of the cluster file to load.
itemColors a map given the colors for the clusters contained in the file.
lastModified the date of last modification of the file store in the session file.
firstFile true if the file to load if the first one, false otherwise.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

NeuroscopeDoc::OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadPositionFile ( KURL  url,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Loads the position file and creates the position view in the current display.

url file to be opened.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

NeuroscopeDoc::OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadPositionFile ( QString  filePath  ) 

Loads the position file.

filePath path of the file to be opened.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

void NeuroscopeDoc::removeClusterFile ( QString  providerName,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Removes the cluster provider corresponding to the identifier providerName from the list of providers.

providerName identifier of the cluster provider.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

NeuroscopeDoc::OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadEventFile ( KURL  eventUrl,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Loads the event file identified by eventUrl.

eventUrl url of the event file to load.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

NeuroscopeDoc::OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadEventFile ( KURL  eventUrl,
QMap< EventDescription, QColor > &  itemColors,
QDateTime  lastModified,
bool  firstFile 

Loads the event file store in the session file and identified by eventUrl.

eventUrl url of the event file to load.
itemColors a map given the colors for the events contained in the file.
lastModified the date of last modification of the file store in the session file.
firstFile true if the file to load if the first one, false otherwise.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

void NeuroscopeDoc::removeEventFile ( QString  providerName,
NeuroscopeView activeView,
bool  lastFile 

Removes the event provider corresponding to the identifier providerName from the list of providers.

providerName identifier of the event provider.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
lastFile true if the event file removed is the last event provider, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setProviders ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Sets the data providers to the newly created view.

activeView the view which gives its parameters to the new view.

void NeuroscopeDoc::showAllClustersExcept ( ItemPalette clusterPalette,
NeuroscopeView activeView,
QValueList< int >  clustersToHide 

Updates the selection of clusters to be shown by showing all the clusters except those contained in clustersToNotShow.

clusterPalette the palette containing the clusters to be shown.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
clustersToHide list of clusters to not show.

void NeuroscopeDoc::deselectAllClusters ( ItemPalette clusterPalette,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Updates the selection of clusters to be shown by hiding all the clusters.

clusterPalette the palette containing the clusters to be shown.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::showAllEvents ( ItemPalette eventPalette,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Updates the selection of events to be shown by showing all the events.

eventPalette the palette containing the events to be shown.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::deselectAllEvents ( ItemPalette eventPalette,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Updates the selection of events to be shown by hiding all the events.

eventPalette the palette containing the events to be shown.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::eventModified ( QString  providerName,
int  selectedEventId,
double  time,
double  newTime,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Informs that an event has been modified.

providerName name use to identified the event provider containing the modified event.
selectedEventId id of the modified event.
time initial time of the modified event.
newTime new time of the modified event.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

void NeuroscopeDoc::eventRemoved ( QString  providerName,
int  selectedEventId,
double  time,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Informs that an event has been removed.

providerName name use to identified the event provider containing the removed event.
selectedEventId id of the removed event.
time initial time of the removed event.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

void NeuroscopeDoc::undo ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Reverts the last user action.

activeView the currently active view.

void NeuroscopeDoc::redo ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Reverts the last undo action.

activeView the currently active view.

void NeuroscopeDoc::eventAdded ( QString  providerName,
QString  addedEventDescription,
double  time,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Informs that an event has been added.

providerName name use to identified the event provider containing the added event.
addedEventDescription description of the added event.
time time of the added event.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

QValueList< EventDescription > NeuroscopeDoc::eventIds ( QString  providerName  ) 

Returns the list of existing event descriptions contained in the currently selected event file.

providerName identifier of the event file.
list of the event descriptions.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setWaveformInformation ( int  nb,
int  index,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Sets the information used to display spike waveforms.

nb number of samples per spike waveform.
index sample index corresponding to the peak of a spike waveform.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultWaveformInformation ( int  nb,
int  index 
) [inline]

Sets the default information used to display spike waveforms.

nb number of samples per spike waveform.
index sample index corresponding to the peak of a spike waveform.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setPositionInformation ( double  videoSamplingRate,
int  width,
int  height,
QString  backgroundImage,
int  rotation,
int  flip,
bool  positionsBackground,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Sets the information used to display the animal position.

videoSamplingRate video acquisition sampling rate.
width video image width.
height video image height.
backgroundImage image used as a background for the position view.
rotation video image rotation angle.
flip video image flip orientation, 0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.
positionsBackground true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultPositionInformation ( double  videoSamplingRate,
int  width,
int  height,
QString  backgroundImage,
int  rotation,
int  flip,
bool  positionsBackground 

Sets the default information used to display the animal position.

videoSamplingRate video acquisition sampling rate.
width video image width.
height video image height.
backgroundImage image used as a background for the position view.
rotation video image rotation angle.
flip video image flip orientation, 0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.
positionsBackground true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.

double NeuroscopeDoc::getVideoSamplingRate (  )  const [inline]

Gets the video sampling rate.

current video sampling rate.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getChannelNb (  )  const [inline]

Gets the number of channels for the current document.

current number of channels.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getWidth (  )  const [inline]

Returns the video image width.

current video image width.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getHeight (  )  const [inline]

Returns the video image height.

current video image height.

QString NeuroscopeDoc::getBackgroundImage (  )  const [inline]

Returns the background image for the PositionView.

current background image;

QString NeuroscopeDoc::getTraceBackgroundImage (  )  const [inline]

Returns the background image for the TraceView.

current traceBackground image;

int NeuroscopeDoc::getRotation (  )  const [inline]

Returns the video image rotation angle.

current rotation angle.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getFlip (  )  const [inline]

Returns the video image flip orientation.

0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.

current flip orientation.

void NeuroscopeDoc::removePositionFile ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Removes the positon provider corresponding to the position file from the list of providers.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::addPositionView ( NeuroscopeView activeView,
QColor  backgroundColor 

Adds a PositionView in the current display.

activeView the view in which the position view will be added.

QImage NeuroscopeDoc::getWhiteTrajectoryBackground (  )  [inline]

Gets a background image containing the animal trajectory on a white background.

Transformation (rotation and flip have been applied if necessary).

a QImage which is a transform copy of this image (he original QImage is not changed) or an null image if the animal trajectory is not currently set.

void NeuroscopeDoc::updateSkippedChannelColors ( bool  whiteBackground,
QColor  backgroundColor 

Updates the color of the skipped channels to either white or background color.

whiteBackground true if the skipped channels should be colored in white, false otherwise.
backgroundColor current background color.

void NeuroscopeDoc::slotNewEventDescriptionCreated ( QString  providerName,
QMap< int, int >  oldNewEventIds,
QMap< int, int >  newOldEventIds,
QString  eventDescriptionAdded 
) [slot]

Updates the event palette and the views after the creation of a new event description.

providerName provider identifier.
oldNewEventIds map between the previous eventIds and the new ones.
newOldEventIds map between the new eventIds and the previous ones.
eventDescriptionAdded new event description added.

void NeuroscopeDoc::slotEventDescriptionRemoved ( QString  providerName,
QMap< int, int >  oldNewEventIds,
QMap< int, int >  newOldEventIds,
int  eventIdToRemove,
QString  eventDescriptionToRemove 
) [slot]

Updates the event palette and the views after the suppression of an event description.

providerName provider identifier.
oldNewEventIds map between the previous eventIds and the new ones.
newOldEventIds map between the new eventIds and the previous ones.
eventIdToRemove event id removed.
eventDescriptionToRemove removed event description.

void NeuroscopeDoc::noSession ( QMap< int, int > &  channelDefaultOffsets,
QMap< int, bool > &  skipStatus 
) [signal]

Informs the application that there is no session file available.

channelDefaultOffsets map given the channel default offsets.
skipStatus map given the skip status of the channels.

void NeuroscopeDoc::loadFirstDisplay ( QValueList< int > *  channelsToDisplay,
bool  verticalLines,
bool  raster,
bool  waveforms,
bool  showLabels,
bool  multipleColumns,
bool  greyMode,
QValueList< int >  offsets,
QValueList< int >  channelGains,
QValueList< int >  selectedChannels,
QMap< int, bool > &  skipStatus,
long  startTime,
long  duration,
QString  tabLabel,
bool  positionView,
int  rasterHeight,
bool  showEventsInPositionView 
) [signal]

Informs the application that there the first display to create will show the channels contained in channelsToDisplay.

channelsToDisplay list of channel ids to show at start up.
verticalLines true if vertical lines will be drawn if clusters are selected.
raster true if a raster will be drawn if clusters are selected.
waveforms true if the spike waveforms will be drawn if clusters are selected.
showLabels true if labels are displayed next to the traces, false otherwise.
multipleColumns true if the traces are diplay on several columns,false otherwise.
greyMode true if the channels are displayed in grey-scale, false otherwise.
offsets list containing the offset for each channel.
channelGains list of the exponents used to compute the drawing gain for each channel.
selectedChannels list of the selected channels.
skipStatus map given the skip status of the channels.
startTime starting time in miliseconds.
duration time window in miliseconds.
tabLabel label for the display when in tab page mode.
positionView true if a position view in shown in the display, false otherwise.
rasterHeight height of the rasters in the world coordinate system.
showEventsInPositionView 1 if events are displayed in the PositionView, 0 otherwise.

int NeuroscopeDoc::openDocument ( const KURL &  url  ) 

Opens the document by filename.

url url of the file to open (dat file or eeg file).
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the open status.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::saveSession (  ) 

Saves the current session: displays, spike, cluster, event files opened and selected clusters and events.

It also saves the relevant changes in the parameter files (creating one if there is none).

an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the saving status.

int NeuroscopeDoc::saveEventFiles (  ) 

Saves the event files.

an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the save status.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::saveSession ( KURL  newSessionUrl  )  [inline]

Saves the current session: displays, spike, cluster, event files opened and selected clusters and events.

newSessionUrl new url where to write the session information to.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the saving status.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::createEventFile ( KURL  eventUrl,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Creates a new event file.

eventUrl url of the new event file.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the creation status.

void NeuroscopeDoc::singleChannelColorUpdate ( int  channelId,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Changes the color of a channel.

channelId id of the channel to redraw.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::clusterColorUpdate ( QString  providerName,
int  clusterId,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Changes the color of a cluster.

providerName identifier of the cluster provider containing the updated cluster.
clusterId id of the cluster to redraw.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::eventColorUpdate ( QString  providerName,
int  eventId,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Changes the color of a event.

providerName identifier of the event provider containing the updated cluster.
eventId id of the event to redraw.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::channelGroupColorUpdate ( int  groupId,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Changes the color of a group of channels.

groupId id of the group for which the color have been changed.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::groupsModified ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Triggers the update of the displays due to a change in the display groups.

Only the active display is updated immediately.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setBackgroundColor ( QColor  backgroundColor  ) 

Updates the background color used in the views.

backgroundColor color of the new background.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setTraceBackgroundImage ( QString  traceBackgroundImagePath  ) 

Updates the background image used in the trace views.

backgroundImagePath path of the image for the traces background.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setGains ( int  voltageRange,
int  amplification,
float  screenGain 

Sets the various gains.

voltageRange voltage range of the acquisition system in volts.oltage range of the acquisition system in volts.
amplification amplification of the acquisition system.
screenGain screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setResolution ( int  resolution  ) 

Sets the resolution of the acquisition system of the current document.

resolution current resolution.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setSamplingRate ( double  rate  ) 

Sets the sampling rate for the current document.

rate sampling rate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setAcquisitionSystemSamplingRate ( double  rate  ) 

Sets the acquisition system sampling rate.

This function is call only if the current opened file is not a dat file.

rate sampling rate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setChannelNb ( int  nb  ) 

Sets the number of channels for the current document.

nb current number of channels.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getInitialOffset (  )  const [inline]

Gets the initial offset for all the traces for the current document.

initial offset.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getAcquisitionGain (  )  const [inline]

Gets the acquisition system gains.

current acquisition gain.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getGain (  )  const [inline]

Gets the current gain based on the screen gain and the acquisition system gain.

current gain.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getVoltageRange (  )  const [inline]

Gets the voltage range of the acquisition system in volts for the current document.

current voltage range.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getAmplification (  )  const [inline]

Gets the amplification of the acquisition system for the current document.

current amplification.

float NeuroscopeDoc::getScreenGain (  )  const [inline]

Gets the screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels for the current document.

current screen gain.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getResolution (  )  const [inline]

Gets the resolution of the acquisition system for the current document.

current resolution.

double NeuroscopeDoc::getSamplingRate (  )  const [inline]

Gets the sampling rate for the current document.

current sampling rate.

double NeuroscopeDoc::getAcquisitionSystemSamplingRate (  )  const [inline]

Gets the acquisition system sampling rate.

acquisition system sampling rate.

bool NeuroscopeDoc::getPositionsBackground (  )  const [inline]

All the positions contained in a position file can be used to create a background image for the PositionView.

The value return by this function tells if such background has to be created.

true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultGains ( int  voltageRangeDefault,
int  amplificationDefault,
float  screenGainDefault 
) [inline]

Sets the various default gains.

voltageRangeDefault default voltage range of the acquisition system in volts.
amplificationDefault default amplification of the acquisition system.
screenGainDefault default screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setVoltageRange ( int  range  )  [inline]

Sets the voltage range of the acquisition system in volts for the current document.

range current voltage range.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setAmplification ( int  amplification  )  [inline]

Sets the amplification of the acquisition system for the current document.

amplification current amplification.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setScreenGain ( float  gain  )  [inline]

Sets the screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels for the current document.

gain current screen gain.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultInitialOffset ( int  offset  )  [inline]

Sets the default initial offset for all the traces.

offset initial offset.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultResolution ( int  resolution  )  [inline]

Sets the default resolution of the acquisition system.

resolution default resolution.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultEegSamplingRate ( double  rate  )  [inline]

Sets the default sampling rate of the EEG file.

rate default sampling rate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultDatSamplingRate ( double  rate  )  [inline]

Sets the default sampling rate of the dat file.

rate default sampling rate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultChannelNb ( int  nb  )  [inline]

Sets the default number of channels.

nb default number of channels.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultTraceBackgroundImage ( QString  traceBackgroundImagePath  )  [inline]

Sets the default background image for the trace view.

traceBackgroundImagePath background image.

ChannelColors* NeuroscopeDoc::channelColors (  )  const [inline]

Returns a pointer on the list of ItemColor objects used to represent the channel colors.

ChannelColors containing the information on the channels and their associated color.

TracesProvider& NeuroscopeDoc::tracesDataProvider (  )  const [inline]

Returns a reference on the DataProvider containing the information on the traces (TracesProvider).

TracesProvider object.

void NeuroscopeDoc::selectAllChannels ( NeuroscopeView activeView,
bool  editMode 

Selects all the channels and shows them if the edit mode is not selected.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
editMode true if the edit mode is selected, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::deselectAllChannels ( NeuroscopeView activeView,
bool  editMode 

Deselects all the channels and hides them if the edit mode is not selected.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
editMode true if the edit mode is selected, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::updateFileProperties ( int  channelNb,
double  SR,
int  resolution,
int  offset,
int  voltageRange,
int  amplification,
float  screenGain,
int  newNbSamples,
int  newPeakSampleIndex,
double  videoSamplingRate,
int  width,
int  height,
QString  backgroundImage,
QString  traceBackgroundImage,
int  rotation,
int  flip,
double  acquisitionSystemSamplingRate,
bool  positionsBackground 
) [inline]

Updates the properties for the current file (number of channels, sampling rate of the dat file and eeg file).

This function is only called at the opening of a file if the user has changed the default or command line values.

channelNb number of channels.
SR sampling rate of the current file..
resolution resolution of the acquisition system.
offset initial offset for all the traces.
voltageRange voltage range of the acquisition system in volts.
amplification amplification of the acquisition system.
screenGain screen gain in milivolts by centimeters used to display the field potentiels.
newNbSamples number of samples per spike waveform.
newPeakSampleIndex sample index corresponding to the peak of a spike waveform.
videoSamplingRate video acquisition sampling rate.
width video image width.
height video image height.
backgroundImage image used as a background for the position view.
traceBackgroundImage image used as a background for the trace view.
rotation video image rotation angle.
flip video image flip orientation, 0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.
acquisitionSystemSamplingRate acquisition system sampling.
positionsBackground true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.

bool NeuroscopeDoc::isADocumentToClose (  ) 

Tells if there is opened document to be closed.

true if there is a document to close, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setNoneEditMode ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Informs the displays that the mode hase switch from edit to none edit.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

bool NeuroscopeDoc::canCloseDocument ( NeuroscopeApp mainWindow,
QString  callingMethod 

Verifies if the document can be close.

mainWindow the main window calling this method.
callingMethod the mainWindow's method which call this method.
true if the document can be close, false if there still thread running and the document could not be close.

void NeuroscopeDoc::showCalibration ( bool  show,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Shows or hides the calibration bar.

This bar is meaningful only when all the channels have the same amplification.

show true if the bar has to be shown false otherwise.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

ItemColors* NeuroscopeDoc::providerColorList ( QString  fileName  )  [inline]

Returns the item color list for the given provider.

fileName name of the file containing the data of the provider.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadClusterFile ( KURL  clusterUrl,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Loads the cluster file identified by clusterUrl.

clusterUrl url of the cluster file to load.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadClusterFile ( KURL  clusterUrl,
QMap< EventDescription, QColor > &  itemColors,
QDateTime  lastModified,
bool  firstFile 

Loads the cluster file store in the session file and identified by clusterUrl.

clusterUrl url of the cluster file to load.
itemColors a map given the colors for the clusters contained in the file.
lastModified the date of last modification of the file store in the session file.
firstFile true if the file to load if the first one, false otherwise.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadPositionFile ( KURL  url,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Loads the position file and creates the position view in the current display.

url file to be opened.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadPositionFile ( QString  filePath  ) 

Loads the position file.

filePath path of the file to be opened.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

void NeuroscopeDoc::removeClusterFile ( QString  providerName,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Removes the cluster provider corresponding to the identifier providerName from the list of providers.

providerName identifier of the cluster provider.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadEventFile ( KURL  eventUrl,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Loads the event file identified by eventUrl.

eventUrl url of the event file to load.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage NeuroscopeDoc::loadEventFile ( KURL  eventUrl,
QMap< EventDescription, QColor > &  itemColors,
QDateTime  lastModified,
bool  firstFile 

Loads the event file store in the session file and identified by eventUrl.

eventUrl url of the event file to load.
itemColors a map given the colors for the events contained in the file.
lastModified the date of last modification of the file store in the session file.
firstFile true if the file to load if the first one, false otherwise.
an OpenSaveCreateReturnMessage enum giving the load status.

void NeuroscopeDoc::removeEventFile ( QString  providerName,
NeuroscopeView activeView,
bool  lastFile 

Removes the event provider corresponding to the identifier providerName from the list of providers.

providerName identifier of the event provider.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
lastFile true if the event file removed is the last event provider, false otherwise.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setProviders ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Sets the data providers to the newly created view.

activeView the view which gives its parameters to the new view.

void NeuroscopeDoc::showAllClustersExcept ( ItemPalette clusterPalette,
NeuroscopeView activeView,
QValueList< int >  clustersToHide 

Updates the selection of clusters to be shown by showing all the clusters except those contained in clustersToNotShow.

clusterPalette the palette containing the clusters to be shown.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.
clustersToHide list of clusters to not show.

void NeuroscopeDoc::deselectAllClusters ( ItemPalette clusterPalette,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Updates the selection of clusters to be shown by hiding all the clusters.

clusterPalette the palette containing the clusters to be shown.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::showAllEvents ( ItemPalette eventPalette,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Updates the selection of events to be shown by showing all the events.

eventPalette the palette containing the events to be shown.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::deselectAllEvents ( ItemPalette eventPalette,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Updates the selection of events to be shown by hiding all the events.

eventPalette the palette containing the events to be shown.
activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::eventModified ( QString  providerName,
int  selectedEventId,
double  time,
double  newTime,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Informs that an event has been modified.

providerName name use to identified the event provider containing the modified event.
selectedEventId id of the modified event.
time initial time of the modified event.
newTime new time of the modified event.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

void NeuroscopeDoc::eventRemoved ( QString  providerName,
int  selectedEventId,
double  time,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Informs that an event has been removed.

providerName name use to identified the event provider containing the removed event.
selectedEventId id of the removed event.
time initial time of the removed event.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

void NeuroscopeDoc::undo ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Reverts the last user action.

activeView the currently active view.

void NeuroscopeDoc::redo ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Reverts the last undo action.

activeView the currently active view.

void NeuroscopeDoc::eventAdded ( QString  providerName,
QString  addedEventDescription,
double  time,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Informs that an event has been added.

providerName name use to identified the event provider containing the added event.
addedEventDescription description of the added event.
time time of the added event.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

QValueList<EventDescription> NeuroscopeDoc::eventIds ( QString  providerName  ) 

Returns the list of existing event descriptions contained in the currently selected event file.

providerName identifier of the event file.
list of the event descriptions.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setWaveformInformation ( int  nb,
int  index,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Sets the information used to display spike waveforms.

nb number of samples per spike waveform.
index sample index corresponding to the peak of a spike waveform.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultWaveformInformation ( int  nb,
int  index 
) [inline]

Sets the default information used to display spike waveforms.

nb number of samples per spike waveform.
index sample index corresponding to the peak of a spike waveform.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setPositionInformation ( double  videoSamplingRate,
int  width,
int  height,
QString  backgroundImage,
int  rotation,
int  flip,
bool  positionsBackground,
NeuroscopeView activeView 

Sets the information used to display the animal position.

videoSamplingRate video acquisition sampling rate.
width video image width.
height video image height.
backgroundImage image used as a background for the position view.
rotation video image rotation angle.
flip video image flip orientation, 0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.
positionsBackground true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.
activeView the view in which the change has been made.

void NeuroscopeDoc::setDefaultPositionInformation ( double  videoSamplingRate,
int  width,
int  height,
QString  backgroundImage,
int  rotation,
int  flip,
bool  positionsBackground 

Sets the default information used to display the animal position.

videoSamplingRate video acquisition sampling rate.
width video image width.
height video image height.
backgroundImage image used as a background for the position view.
rotation video image rotation angle.
flip video image flip orientation, 0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.
positionsBackground true if the all the positions contain in the position file have to be drawn on the background, false otherwise.

double NeuroscopeDoc::getVideoSamplingRate (  )  const [inline]

Gets the video sampling rate.

current video sampling rate.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getChannelNb (  )  const [inline]

Gets the number of channels for the current document.

current number of channels.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getWidth (  )  const [inline]

Returns the video image width.

current video image width.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getHeight (  )  const [inline]

Returns the video image height.

current video image height.

QString NeuroscopeDoc::getBackgroundImage (  )  const [inline]

Returns the background image for the PositionView.

current background image;

QString NeuroscopeDoc::getTraceBackgroundImage (  )  const [inline]

Returns the background image for the TraceView.

current traceBackground image;

int NeuroscopeDoc::getRotation (  )  const [inline]

Returns the video image rotation angle.

current rotation angle.

int NeuroscopeDoc::getFlip (  )  const [inline]

Returns the video image flip orientation.

0 stands for none, 1 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.

current flip orientation.

void NeuroscopeDoc::removePositionFile ( NeuroscopeView activeView  ) 

Removes the positon provider corresponding to the position file from the list of providers.

activeView the view in which the change has to be immediate.

void NeuroscopeDoc::addPositionView ( NeuroscopeView activeView,
QColor  backgroundColor 

Adds a PositionView in the current display.

activeView the view in which the position view will be added.

QImage NeuroscopeDoc::getWhiteTrajectoryBackground (  )  [inline]

Gets a background image containing the animal trajectory on a white background.

Transformation (rotation and flip have been applied if necessary).

a QImage which is a transform copy of this image (he original QImage is not changed) or an null image if the animal trajectory is not currently set.

void NeuroscopeDoc::updateSkippedChannelColors ( bool  whiteBackground,
QColor  backgroundColor 

Updates the color of the skipped channels to either white or background color.

whiteBackground true if the skipped channels should be colored in white, false otherwise.
backgroundColor current background color.

void NeuroscopeDoc::slotNewEventDescriptionCreated ( QString  providerName,
QMap< int, int >  oldNewEventIds,
QMap< int, int >  newOldEventIds,
QString  eventDescriptionAdded 
) [slot]

Updates the event palette and the views after the creation of a new event description.

providerName provider identifier.
oldNewEventIds map between the previous eventIds and the new ones.
newOldEventIds map between the new eventIds and the previous ones.
eventDescriptionAdded new event description added.

void NeuroscopeDoc::slotEventDescriptionRemoved ( QString  providerName,
QMap< int, int >  oldNewEventIds,
QMap< int, int >  newOldEventIds,
int  eventIdToRemove,
QString  eventDescriptionToRemove 
) [slot]

Updates the event palette and the views after the suppression of an event description.

providerName provider identifier.
oldNewEventIds map between the previous eventIds and the new ones.
newOldEventIds map between the new eventIds and the previous ones.
eventIdToRemove event id removed.
eventDescriptionToRemove removed event description.

void NeuroscopeDoc::noSession ( QMap< int, int > &  channelDefaultOffsets,
QMap< int, bool > &  skipStatus 
) [signal]

Informs the application that there is no session file available.

channelDefaultOffsets map given the channel default offsets.
skipStatus map given the skip status of the channels.

void NeuroscopeDoc::loadFirstDisplay ( QValueList< int > *  channelsToDisplay,
bool  verticalLines,
bool  raster,
bool  waveforms,
bool  showLabels,
bool  multipleColumns,
bool  greyMode,
QValueList< int >  offsets,
QValueList< int >  channelGains,
QValueList< int >  selectedChannels,
QMap< int, bool > &  skipStatus,
long  startTime,
long  duration,
QString  tabLabel,
bool  positionView,
int  rasterHeight,
bool  showEventsInPositionView 
) [signal]

Informs the application that there the first display to create will show the channels contained in channelsToDisplay.

channelsToDisplay list of channel ids to show at start up.
verticalLines true if vertical lines will be drawn if clusters are selected.
raster true if a raster will be drawn if clusters are selected.
waveforms true if the spike waveforms will be drawn if clusters are selected.
showLabels true if labels are displayed next to the traces, false otherwise.
multipleColumns true if the traces are diplay on several columns,false otherwise.
greyMode true if the channels are displayed in grey-scale, false otherwise.
offsets list containing the offset for each channel.
channelGains list of the exponents used to compute the drawing gain for each channel.
selectedChannels list of the selected channels.
skipStatus map given the skip status of the channels.
startTime starting time in miliseconds.
duration time window in miliseconds.
tabLabel label for the display when in tab page mode.
positionView true if a position view in shown in the display, false otherwise.
rasterHeight height of the rasters in the world coordinate system.
showEventsInPositionView 1 if events are displayed in the PositionView, 0 otherwise.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Mon Sep 17 20:47:33 2007 for NeuroScope by  doxygen 1.5.1