NeuroScope Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Array< T >This Array class is a template class that provides arrays of simple types
BaseFrameFrame base class containing the following features:
ChannelColorsThis class represents the list of the channels with their associated id, colors and colors status (i.e the color has been changed or no)
ChannelDescriptionClass storing the channel color information to be read from or write to a session file
ChannelGroupViewUtilitary class used to build the channel palettes (anatomical and spike)
ChannelIconViewUtilitary class used to build the channel palettes (anatomical and spike)
ChannelPaletteThis class represents the channel palettes of the application (anatomical and spike)
ChannelPalette::ChannelIconItemInteral class to represent an item in the palette
ClusterColorsThis class represents the list of the clusters with their associated id, color and color status (i.e the color has been changed or not)
ClusterPropertiesClass representing the NeuroScope cluster preferences tab contained in NeuroScope Defaults Configuration page of the Neuroscope preferences dialog and in the properties dialog
ClustersProviderClass storing and providing the cluster information
ConfigurationThis is the one and only configuration object
DataProviderBase class for all the types of provider of data: TracesProvider,ClustersProvider, EventsProvider, PositionProvider
DisplayInformationClass storing the session information to be read from or write to a session file
EventDataClass representing the data of an event file for a given starting time and timeframe
EventDescriptionClass used to compare strings in case-insensitive maner
Lynn Hazan
GroupLabelUtility class used to create the group labels on the left side of the group boxes in the anatomical and spike palettes
GroupNameLabelUtility class used to create the group labels on the left side of the group boxes in the cluster and event palettes
ImageCreatorUtility class used to create an image containing all the first spot positions of the animal during the recording
ItemColorsThis class represents the list of the items with their associated id, color and color status (i.e the color has been changed or not)
ItemGroupViewUtilitary class used to build the cluster and event palettes
ItemIconViewUtilitary class used to build the cluster and event palettes
ItemPaletteThis class is used to create the cluster and event palettes of the application
NeuroscopeAppThe Neuroscope main window and central class
NeuroscopeDocDocument object that can be used in conjunction with the classes NeuroscopeApp and NeuroscopeView to create a document-view model for MDI (Multiple Document Interface) based on KApplication and KDockMainWindow as main classes
NeuroscopeDoc::CloseDocumentEventInternal class use to send information to the main window to inform it that the document could not be closed has there still have thread running
NeuroscopeViewView widgets for the document instance (NeuroscopeDoc instance) and is displayed as a MDI child window in the main view area of the NeuroscopeApp class instance
NeuroscopeXmlReaderClass reading the parameter and session xml file
ParameterXmlCreatorClass creating the parameter xml file
ParameterXmlModifierClass modifying the parameter xml file
pArray< T >This pArray class is a template class that provides arrays of classes containing pointers
PositionPropertiesClass representing the NeuroScope position preferences tab contained in the preferences or properties dialogs
PositionsProviderClass storing and providing the position information
PositionViewClass which draws the positions
PrefDefaultsClass representing the NeuroScope Defaults Configuration page of the Neuroscope preferences dialog
PrefDialogClass representing the Neuroscope preferences dialog
PrefGeneralClass representing the Neuroscope Configuration page of the Neuroscope preferences dialog
PropertiesClass used to set the properties of the current document
SessionFileClass storing the information about the files used in a session
SessionXmlWriterClass writting the session xml file
SpaceWidgetIUtility class used to create the channel palettes of the application (anatomical and spike)
TracePositionClass storing the trace position information in the Trace View to be read from or write to a session file
TracesProviderClass providing the row recorded data (contained in a .dat or .eeg file)
TraceViewClass which draws the traces, cluster and event representations
TraceWidgetClass containing the TraceView and all the widgets used to select the position in the file
Lynn Hazan
ZoomWindowThis class is used to enable zoom feature

Generated on Mon Sep 17 20:47:31 2007 for NeuroScope by  doxygen 1.5.1