Chapter 4. File Formats

Table of Contents

Data Files
The data File
The Cluster File
The Spike Time File
The Event File
The Positon File
The Parameter File
The Session File

NeuroScope reads electrophysiological data from a set of files. Each of these files has a name of the form base.ext or base.n.ext (or base.ext.n), where base stands for the common base name of all files belonging to a single recording session, ext is an extension describing the type of data stored in the file, and n stands for the ID of the particular group of channels from which the data was recorded. Thus, using this convention the data for session CS150612 would be named CS150612.dat, the filter data for local filed potentials would be named CS150612.eeg and the cluster file for tetrode 2 would be named CS150612.2.clu or CS150612.clu.2.

More specifically, the data files are organized as described in the following sections.

Data Files

The data File

Generic file name: base.dat for the raw data, base.eeg for local field potentials, and more generally base.ext for any other type of filtered data (where ext is extension describing the type of data stored in the file).

Format: 12, 14, 16 or 32 bit binary.

The data file contains the data for each channel. Assuming N1 channels (channel1...channelN1) and N2 samples (sample1...sampleN2) the data are stored as follows:


The Cluster File

Generic file name: base.n.clu (or base.clu.n)

Format: ASCII

The cluster file lists the cluster ID of each spike, one per line. The first line contains the total number of clusters. Assuming N spikes (spike1...spikeN), this file looks like:


Notice that the last line must end with a newline or carriage return.

The Spike Time File

Generic file name: base.n.res (or base.res.n)

Format: ASCII

The spike time file lists the timestamp for each spike. The timestamp is expressed in multiples of the sampling interval. For instance, for a 20kHz recording (50 microsecond sampling interval), a timestamp of 200 corresponds to 200x0.000050s=0.01s from the beginning of the recording session. Assuming N spikes (spike1...spikeN), this file looks like:


Notice that the last line must end with a newline or carriage return.

The Event File

Generic file name: basename.ext.evt or basename.evt.ext (where ext is a three-letter extension describing the type of data stored in the file)

Format: ASCII

The event file lists the events and their timestamps. The timestamps are given in miliseconds (floating point values) and the event types are arbitrary strings. Assuming N events (event1...eventN), this file looks like:

timestamp_event1	description_event1
timestamp_event2	description_event2
timestamp_event3	description_event3
timestamp_eventN	description_eventN

Notice that the last line must end with a newline or carriage return.

The Positon File

Generic file name: basename.ext (where ext can be any three-letter extension)

Format: ASCII

The position file lists the x and y coordinates of the each spot. Assuming N position samples (position1...positionN) and M spots on the head of the animal, this file looks like:

x_position1_spot1	y_position1_spot1	...	 x_position1_spotM	y_position1_spotM
x_position2_spot1	y_position2_spot1	...	 x_position2_spotM	y_position2_spotM
x_positionN_spot1	y_positionN_spot1	...	 x_positionN_spotM	y_positionN_spotM

By convention, spots which have not been detected by the video recording system should be given negatives coordinates. These spots will not be drawn in the position view.

Notice that the last line must end with a newline or carriage return.